In the "Garfield" comic strip created by Jim Davis, Garfield, the fat and lazy cat, shares a household with Odie, the energetic and good-natured dog. They both belong to Jon Arbuckle, their owner. The relationship between Garfield and Odie can be described as a mix of companionship, tolerance, and occasional rivalry. ARLENE is a Garfield's girlfriend who is always making jokes at Garfield. She is a slim, elegant, long-tailed, pink-furred cat with big red lips. Although she makes a lot of jokes, she is a sweet-natured loving cat.
bwin big 8
Limestone Swirl
Jade Swirl
Blue/Gray Swirl
Terracotta Swirl
Fiesta Swirl
Desert Tan
Limestone X-tra Swirl
Jade X-tra Swirl
Blue/Gray X-tra Swirl
Terracotta X-tra Swirl
Cordoba Cream
White Sierra