Originally opening as the Sundance (1980 - 1987), and the Fitzgerald's (1987 - 2012), the D is home to it's keno board, claimed as the world's largest keno board, and it's vintage casino slots. Since opening in 1973, the property has been renamed several times, most recently as the Htel San Rmo (1989 2006) and the Hooters Casino Hotel (2006 2024). Paradise, Nevada, U.S.
senhas poker
Limestone Swirl
Jade Swirl
Blue/Gray Swirl
Terracotta Swirl
Fiesta Swirl
Desert Tan
Limestone X-tra Swirl
Jade X-tra Swirl
Blue/Gray X-tra Swirl
Terracotta X-tra Swirl
Cordoba Cream
White Sierra